Nov 23rd - Dec 31st 2024, Mansfield Palace Theatre
Wishing for the best family pantomime? Your wish is our command! The amazing story of a boy, a lamp, and a genie returns to spread magic across the Mansfield Palace Theatre stage for Christmas 2024. Mansfield’s favourite funny man – Adam Moss - is returning for more festive fun in a brand new pantomime packed full of enchanting story, side-splitting comedy, exotic settings, dazzling special effects, plenty of comedy slapstick and much-loved routines. Boo the baddies, cheer the goodies and join us on the most magical of magic carpet rides. Don’t wait too long as tickets will be flying out! Get them early and ensure that every member of the family’s wish is granted for Christmas 2024!
"The production flew by in a blur of colourful costumes and scenery, fast-paced merriment, well-chosen music, and general fun and mayhem.....it was so good that I’ve booked to go again!"
Mansfield, Ashfield and Sherwood News Journal
Full Review Available HERE

Credit Elizabeth Orridge Photography
Audience Reviews from Mansfield Palace website & social media

Mansfield Palace Theatre, UK Productions 2024
Lexie Ward: Director
Eloise Canzini: Musical Director
David Allwood: Choreographer
Kirk Jackson: Sound Design
Morgan Jones: Lighting Design
Elizabeth Dennis: Costume Design
Damian Sandys: Artistic Producer for UK Productions
Anthony Williams: Executive Pantomime Director for UK Productions
Martin Dodd:Producer for UK Productions